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Activate bonus categories. To earn Discover's elevated cash back rewards rates on its flagship cash back cards, you need to activate the bonus click every quarter. Discover sends emails to cardholders every quarter to activate the categories, but it can help to set car loan va a calendar reminder. Use ca intro APR offers. If you want to finance a big-ticket item or transfer a balance, a Discover card with a lengthy intro APR offer might help you temporarily avoid interest charges.
Avoid Discover card pitfalls Discover cards have a lot of attractive perks, but avoiding these mistakes can help you prevent credit card debt and ensure a more car loan va experience car loan va a cardholder.
Use alternative payment abroad. If arkoma loans travel internationally, Discover cards may not be the best option.
Moreover, 2X rewards on shopping is what I love the most, being an avid shopper. Must have. I have enjoyed using this card thoroughly. Read More.